Managing Centrarchid Fisheries in Rivers and Streams Session II (Symposium)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 9:40 AM-3:00 PM
New York B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Centrarchids remain a popular group of fishes among North American freshwater anglers.  Although much of the angling effort targeting centrarchids occurs on ponds, lakes, and reservoirs, a substantial and increasing amount of angling effort targeting black bass Micropterus spp. and rock bass Ambloplites spp. occurs on rivers and streams.  Increased interest in stream fisheries among anglers has prompted additional work aimed at a better understanding of these dynamic fisheries.  Management opportunities vary by species and also vary depending on the ecoregions they occupy; this symposium will provide an opportunity for managers and researchers to share their experiences related to the management of these important fisheries.
Jan-Michael Hessenauer, Matthew Wegener, Jonathan. Watson and Brett Timmons
Michael Siepker and Jeffrey Quinn
Michael Siepker
9:40 AM
Historical Biogeography and Not Stocking Is the Better Predictor of Black Bass Species Composition in Louisiana Gulf Slope and Lower Mississippi Valley Streams Michael D. Kaller, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; A. Raynie Harlan, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Tiffany Pasco, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Debra G. Kelly, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; William E. Kelso, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
10:00 AM
Factors Affecting Recruitment of Smallmouth Bass in Southwestern Wisconsin Streams Justin Haglund, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; John Lyons, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Paul Kanehl, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
10:20 AM
First Year Survival and Dispersal of Neosho Smallmouth Bass Jim Burroughs, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; Brandon Brown, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation; Robert Mollenhauer, Oklahoma State University; Shannon K. Brewer, U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
10:40 AM
Effects of Habitat and Spatial Factors on Age-0 Smallmouth Bass in the Ozark Highlands Andrew D. Miller, Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Shannon K. Brewer, U.S. Geological Survey, Oklahoma Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
11:00 AM
Combining Inference from Otolith Geochemistry and Population Genetics to Determine Scale of Dispersal in a River-Tributary Network Robert Humston, Washington and Lee University; Sasha Doss, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Simon Thorrold, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Eric Hallerman, Virginia Tech; Caroline Wass, Washington and Lee University; Garrett Muckleroy, Washington and Lee University; Juli Sorenson, Washington and Lee University; Connor Hollenbeck, Washington and Lee University; Scott M. Smith, VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
11:20 AM
Spawning Behavior and Habitat Use of Shoal Bass in Two Non-Navigable Chattahoochee River Tributaries Amy Cottrell, Auburn University; Steven Sammons, Auburn University
11:40 AM
Wednesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Movement and Habitat Use of Shoal Bass in a Tributary Stream of the Flint River, Georgia Travis Ingram, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Steve Sammons, Auburn University; Adam Kaeser, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1:20 PM
Navigating a Thermally Heterogeneous World: Smallmouth Bass in Spring-Fed Rivers Jacob Westhoff, Missouri Department of Conservation; Craig Paukert, U.S. Geological Survey; University of Missouri; Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
1:40 PM
Springs As Thermal Refugia: Movement and Habitat Use Patterns of Smallmouth Bass in an Ozark River Hope Dodd, National Park Service; Michael Siepker, Iowa Department of Natural Resources; Jennifer Haack-Gaynor, National Park Service
2:00 PM
Movement and Habitat Selection Patterns of Smallmouth Bass in an Ozark River Sarah Ettinger-Dietzel, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Hope Dodd, National Park Service, Heartland I&M Network; Jacob Westhoff, Missouri Department of Conservation; Michael Siepker, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
See more of: Symposium Entries