P-14 What's the meaning behind all this? A content analysis of angler survey comments

Monday, September 13, 2010
Hall B (Convention Center)
Patricia Thompson , Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Frank Lupi, PhD , Agriculture, Food and Resource Economics; Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Jody C. Simoes , Fisheries and Wildlife, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Fisheries management agencies are mandated to protect, restore, and enhance the societal benefits provided by our fishery resources. Understanding angler needs, preferences and behaviors is vital for focusing management efforts. The Michigan recreational angler survey is a state-wide, monthly mail survey which collects demographic and fishing behavior information and includes ample space for anglers to leave comments. The principle objective of this research was to conduct a content analysis of angler comments to improve our understanding of angler attitudes, preferences, and uses of the State's fisheries. Thousands of anglers offered a wide range of open-ended comments. The comments were entered by a research technician into Microsoft Access and imported into a content analysis program to assist with coding the comments and assigning themes. Several dominant themes were identified, and statistical tests were conducted to examine relationships between angler comment themes, various fishing behaviors, and demographic variables. By combining both qualitative and quantitative survey data, the results provide additional insight into the types of anglers that express certain opinions, attitudes, and needs. The enhanced understanding of anglers opinions can help managers communicate with anglers and provide angling opportunities for the diverse groups fishing in Michigan.
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