
Monday, September 13, 2010: 6:00 PM-8:30 PM
Hall B (Convention Center)
Tuesday, September 14, 2010: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Hall B (Convention Center)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Hall B (Convention Center)
Michael Kaller, Ph.D
Reintroduction of paddlefish in the upper Allegheny River system of New York and Pennsylvania
Mike Clancy, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Paul McKeown, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Douglas M. Carlson, NYSDEC; Jon Sztukowski, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Prioritizing data collection for assessment purposes
Kate I. Andrews, PhD, NOAA Fisheries Service; Linda Lombardi, NOAA Fisheries Service
Evaluation of the separate and joint effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) contaminants on Microgradus tomcod's Ovarian Cytochrome 19A (CYP19A) gene
Adam Tulu, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Ali Ishaque, PhD, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Yan Waguespack, PhD, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Christopher Chambers, PhD, NOAA-Fisheries; Rosemary Jagus, PhD, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
Length, age, and growth of two species of juvenile black bass in a trout tailwater
Michael J. Porta, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University; James M. Long, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey; Christopher R. Martin, Wildlife Resources Division
Disentangling environmental and physiological influences on otolith chemistry: Unlocking the potential use of otoliths as natural tags
Anna Lewis, Univesity of Southampton; Clive Trueman, Univesity of Southampton; Ewan Hunter, Dr, Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory
Catfishes in the Upper Mississippi River system: Distribution and trends as noted by the long term resource monitoring program
Kevin S. Irons, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; T. Matt O'Hara, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Michael A. McClelland, M.S., Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Thad R. Cook, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Nerissa N. Michaels, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Greg G. Sass, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Spread of released Lake Sturgeon: Oswego River basin NY
Dawn E. Dittman, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Marc A. Chalupnicki, USGS Great Lakes Science Center
Juvenile diet analyses of three salmonid species in a Lake Superior tributary
A. Growe-Raney, Northern Michigan University; Julie L. Howard, Northern Michigan University; Jill Leonard, PhD, Northern Michigan University
Survival, reproduction, and recruitment of gizzard shad in South Dakota glacial lakes
Justin A. VanDeHey, MSc, South Dakota State University; David W. Willis, PhD, South Dakota State University; Brian G. Blackwell, PhD, State of South Dakota
6 years in the water: Genesee River NY Lake Sturgeon experiment
Dawn E. Dittman, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center
Assessment for lake sturgeon habitat in the Raquette River, NY
Dawn E. Dittman, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center
Effects of gizzard shad introductions on walleye growth and condition in northeastern South Dakota glacial lakes
Justin A. VanDeHey, MSc, South Dakota State University; David W. Willis, PhD, South Dakota State University; Brian G. Blackwell, PhD, State of South Dakota
Integrating standardized fisheries data to allow informed management decisions in Ohio's inland reservoirs
Andrew M. Burt, Inland Fisheries Research Unit; Jonathan C. Denlinger, Inland Fisheries Research Unit
Fifty years of the long term Illinois River fish population monitoring program
Michael A. McClelland, M.S., Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Thad R. Cook, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Kevin S. Irons, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; T. Matt O'Hara, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Greg G. Sass, Illinois Natural History Survey; Nerissa N. Michaels, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Camilla S. Smith, Illinois Natural History Survey, Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
What's the meaning behind all this? A content analysis of angler survey comments
Patricia Thompson, Michigan State University; Frank Lupi, PhD, Michigan State University; Jody C. Simoes, Michigan State University
Adaptive management framework of the Huron-Erie corridor initiative
Bruce A. Manny, PhD, US Geological Survey; Edward F. Roseman, Ph.D., US Geological Survey; James C. Boase, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nearshore habitat utilization by young-of-year bluegill and largemouth bass in small glacial lakes: Integrating field measurements and model estimates
Christopher Middaugh, Purdue University; Carolyn Foley, Purdue University; Angela Grier, Indiana Department of Natural Resources; Donabauer Steve, Indiana Department of Natural Resources; Tomas Höök, Purdue University
Stream assessment and fish management through an ecogeomorphological lens
Mazeika SP Sullivan, PhD, The Ohio State University; Adam R. Kautza, The Ohio State University
Generating information from large volumes of data: Development of a sturgeon information management system (SIMS)
Kimberly A. Chojnacki, U.S. Geological Survey; Chad J. Vishy, U.S. Geological Survey; Emily K. Pherigo, U.S. Geological Survey; Aaron J. DeLonay, U.S. Geological Survey
Evaluation of riverine smallmouth bass recruitment indices on Pennsylvania rivers
R.M. Lorantas, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; Tyler Wagner, PhD, Penn State University; David .A. Miko, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; D.A. Arnold, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; Jason Detar, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; M. L. Kaufman, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; K. Kuhn, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; Richard Lorson, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; R.T Wnuk, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission; A. A. Woomer, Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Manipulation of sport fish growth to reduce mercury bioaccumulation on a whole-lake scale
J.M. Lepak, PhD, Colorado Division of Wildlife; W.M. Pate, U.S.G.S. Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; E.R. Fetherman, U.S.G.S. Colorado Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; C.N. Cathcart, Colorado State University; K.D. Kinzli, Colorado State University; M.M. Brandt, Colorado State University; W.L. Stacy, Colorado State University; Z.E. Underwood, Colorado State University; E.I Gardunio, Colorado State University; A.G. Hansen, Colorado State University
The Maryland Biological Stream Survey: Evolution of a probability-based monitoring program
Ronald Klauda, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Scott A. Stranko, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Daniel M. Boward, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Andrew J. Becker, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Mark T. Southerland, Versar, Inc.
The influence of habitat on introgression and condition of largemouth bass in Louisiana
Melissa A. Fries, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; William E. Kelso, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Michael D. Kaller, PhD, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Debra G. Kelly, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Juvenile channel catfish habitat use in the middle Mississippi River
Quinton E. Phelps, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Sara J. Tripp, Southern Illinois University; David P. Herzog, Missouri Department of Conservation; James E. Garvey, PhD, Southern Illinois University; David E. Ostendorf, Missouri Department of Conservation; Joseph W. Ridings, Missouri Department of Conservation; Jason W. Crites, Missouri Department of Conservation; Robert A. Hrabik, Missouri Department of Conservation
Examination of non-game fish passage at road-stream crossing using mark-recapture, genetic, and PIT tag techniques
Craig N. Roghair, U.S.D.A. Forest Service; C. A. Dolloff, PhD, Virginia Tech; Keith H. Nislow, PhD, U.S.D.A. Forest Service; Colin W. Krause, U.S.D.A. Forest Service; Jon Walker, U.S.D.A. Forest Service
Blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) gut passage as a vector for the dispersal of invasive bivalves
Michael R. Gatlin, Oklahoma State University; Daniel E. Shoup, Oklahoma State University; James M. Long, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
Fine-scale population genetic structure of Lake Erie yellow perch Perca flavescens (Teleostei: Percidae): Any relation to management units?
Osvaldo J.Sepulveda Villet, University of Toledo; Carol A. Stepien, Ph.D., University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center
Graduate teaching fellows in STEM high school education: An environmental science learning community at the land-lake ecosystem interface
Carol A. Stepien, Ph.D., University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center; Lindsey R. Pierce, University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center
Survey of intersex condition in two species of wild fish exposed to multiple municipal wastewater discharges in the Grand River watershed
Rajiv Neal Tanna, University of Waterloo; Ken D. Oakes, PhD, University of Waterloo; Mark E. McMaster, PhD, Environment Canada; Gerald Tetrault, Environment Canada; Charles J. Bennett, Environment Canada; Mark R. Servos, PhD, University of Waterloo
Characterizations of local populations of steelhead trout in two south-central Lake Superior streams
Kevin A. Duby, Northern Michigan University; Jill Leonard, PhD, Northern Michigan University
Minijack prevalence in spring Chinook salmon of the Yakima River, Washington: Management implications for determining smolt-to-adult return rates
Deborah Harstad, University of Washington; Brian Beckman, NOAA Fisheries; Donald Larsen, NOAA Fisheries
Physiological and migrational characteristics of steelhead kelts in the Snake River, Idaho
Jessica Buelow, University of Idaho; Christine M. Moffitt, PhD, University of Idaho; Zach Penney, University of Idaho; Kala Hamilton, University of Idaho; Andy Pape, University of Idaho
Fine-scale study of microhabitat use by brook trout in NE Ohio streams
Ronald G. Oldfield, PhD, Case Western Reserve University; Robert D. Szatkowski, Case Western Reserve University; John N. Milligan, Case Western Reserve University; An-Shih Lee, Case Western Reserve University; Brittany L. Kelly, Case Western Reserve University; Curtis P. Wagner, Illinois Natural History Survey and Ohio Division of Wildlife
Contribution of wild-origin Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytcha) to a salmonid fishery in the Salmon River, New York
Christopher C. Nack, B.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Brent A. Murry, PhD, Central Michigan University Biology Station; Michael J. Connerton, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Neil H. Ringler, PhD, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Salmonid habitat quality in Lake Ontario tributaries
James McKenna Jr., PhD, USGS; James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Daniel Bishop, New York Department of Environmental Conservation; Francis Verdoliva, New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Interspecific variation in redd habitat characteristics of migratory salmonids in the Salmon River, New York
James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Christopher C. Nack, B.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry; James E. McKenna Jr., PhD, US Geological Survey
Genetic variability and population structure of striped bass along the US eastern seaboard
Jens Carlsson, University College; David T. Gauthier, Old Dominion University; Audemard Corinne, The College of William and Mary; Tanya Darden, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources; Mike Denson, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources; Kimberly S. Reece, The College of William and Mary
Predation by hatchery released salmonids and fallfish on naturalized subyearling Chinook salmon and steelhead in the Salmon River, New York
James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Christopher C. Nack, B.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Comparison of observed and model-predicted fish assemblages in the St. Lawrence River valley
James McKenna Jr., PhD, USGS; James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Dawn E. Dittman, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Ross Abbett, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Emily Waldt, USGS Great Lakes Science Center
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning migrations in a controlled river under two transport strategies
Edward Hughes, University of Maine; Joseph Zydlewski, U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Dimitry Gorsky, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Suitability of Lake Erie for spawning and maturation of silver and grass carp
Duane Chapman, USGS; Patrick M. Kocovsky, U.S.G.S. Great Lakes Science Center
Migratory behavior of juvenile “coaster” brook trout stocked into Whittlesey Creek, WI: A tributary to Lake Superior
Mark J. Brouder, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Henry Quinlan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Bull trout migratory and passage-seeking behavior in the Pend Oreille basin
Brian Bellgraph, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mark Paluch, Eastern Washington University; Jason Olson, Kalispel Tribe of Indians; Holly McLellan, Eastern Washington University; Allan T. Scholz, PhD, Eastern Washington University
Early life dynamics of walleyes (Sander vitreus) in a Great Lakes tributary
Edward S. Rutherford, PhD, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Jordan R. Allison, Grand Valley State University, Annis Water Resources Institute; Carl R. Ruetz III, PhD, Grand Valley State University; Jeff Elliot, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Joel Nohner, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Sam Upton, NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory; Richard O'Neal, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Genetic impacts of put-and-grow brook trout stocking on tributary populations of Virginia impoundments
A.D. Adkins, Washington and Lee University; R. Humston, Washington and Lee University; B.A. Meekins, Washington and Lee University; J. Huss, Washington and Lee University; R.J. Elsey, Washington and Lee University; K.A. Hemminger, Washington and Lee University; Tim L. King, Ph.D., U.S. Geological Survey
Does short-term acclimation affect pH preference and avoidance of adult brook trout and brown trout
Brooks Fost, Pennsylvania State University; C. Paola Ferrari, Pennsylvania State University; Jay Stauffer, Pennsylvania State University
Evaluating suitable thermal habitat for native and nonnative salmonids across multiple scales
Shane Vatland, Montana Cooperative Fishery Research Unit; Robert E. Gresswell, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
McIntosh Brook Project: A cooperative effort to enhance brook trout habitat in a small stream
Marie Schrecengost, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Scott Cornett, New York State Department of Conservation; Raymond Li, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; John A. Sweka, PhD, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Northeast Fishery Center
Using acoustic telemetry to track snapper and grouper species in particular areas of Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary
Catherine J. Carroll, Savannah State University and Gray's Reef National Marine Sanctuary; Sarah Fangman, NOAA, National Marine Sanctuary Program; Greg McFall, NOAA, National Marine Sanctuary Program; Matthew S. Kendall, PhD, NOAA, Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment; Matt Ogburn, PhD, Savannah State University
Mexican Pacific fisheries: A proposal for common names and key codes for an information system
Mauricio Ramírez-Rodríguez, PhD, Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas del Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Analysis of fishing strategies by trawl vessels in the Gulf of Alaska; A temporal and spatial comparison of trip vs. haul-specific targetting
Josh Keaton, National Marine Fisheries Service; Jason R. Gasper, National Marine Fisheries Service
SNPs to manage the ‘Deadliest catch' fishery of Alaska red king crab
Wei Cheng, Gene Conservation Laboratory; Jeffrey R. Guyon, Auke Bay Laboratories, AFSC/NMFS/NOAA/DOC, Ted Stevens Marine Research Institute; William S. Grant, Gene Conservation Laboratory; Zac Grauvogel, Gene Conservation Laboratory; Christopher A. Saski, Clemson University Genomics Institute; William D. Templin, Gene Conservation Laboratory
Updating size- and age-at-maturity schedules for southern flounder in North Carolina
Stephen R. Midway, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Frederick S. Scharf, PhD, University of North Carolina Wilmington
Assessment of existing information on Atlantic coastal fish habitats: Development of a web-based spatial bibliography, query tools, and data summaries
David Moe Nelson, Ph.D., NOAA/NOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment; Brook Herlach, NOAA/NOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment; Tom McGrath, NOAA/NOS Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment
Impact of fisheries discards on foraging strategies of Atlantic bottlenose dolphin: A comparison of fitness and neural network based movement models
Matthew Campbell, PhD, Louisiana State University; Katherine E. Shepard, M.S., Louisiana State University
Coastal mangrove conservation and restoration: Public private partnership
Rita Singh, Ph.D., Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)
The partnership for mid-Atlantic fisheries science
Eleanor A. Bochenek, PhD, Partnership for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Science; Eric N. Powell, PhD, Rutgers University; Emerson Hasbrouck, Cornell University
Sex ratio of summer flounder recreational landings in New Jersey: A pilot study
Jason M. Morson, Rutgers University; Eric N. Powell, PhD, Rutgers University; Eleanor A. Bochenek, PhD, Partnership for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Science; Jennifer Gius, Rutgers University
Foraging habits of dolphinfish and yellowfin tuna in the northwest Atlantic
Amy K. Koske, University of Massachusetts Amherst; Michelle Staudinger, PhD, University of North Carolina Wilmington; Francis Juanes, PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Nonessential metals in striped marlin and indo-Pacific sailfish in the Southeast Gulf of California, Mexico: Concentration and assessment of human health risk
Felipe Amezcua, PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; Martin Soto, PhD, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Factors affecting NY inshore marine fish distribution in 1938 (Withdrawn)
Determining the connectivity of Antarctic silverfish along the Antarctic circumpolar current
Jason W. Ferguson, Old Dominion University; Julian R. Ashford, Old Dominion University; Andrea Pinones, Old Dominion University
Blue crab abundance patterns in shallow bay and salt-marsh habitats of the Texas Gulf coast
Danielle M. Greer, PhD, Texas A&M University; R. Douglas Slack, PhD, Texas A&M University
Comanagement and interdisciplinary marine policy
Ilene M. Kaplan, PhD, Union College
Validity of current sampling procedures for U.S. Atlantic coast spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in the southern extent of the range
Jennifer Cudney, East Carolina University; Roger A. Rulifson, PhD, East Carolina University
Feeding ecology and community interactions of migratory spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) in North Carolina waters
Charles Bangley, East Carolina University; Roger A. Rulifson, PhD, East Carolina University
The effects of the invasive ascidian (Didemnum vexillum) on northern georges bank: From benthic macrofauna to demersal fish diet
Brian Smith, N.O.A.A. National Marine Fisheries Service; Jeremy S. Collie, University of Rhode Island; Nicole Lengyel, University of Rhode Island
Does water-level management in marsh impoundments affect larval fish assemblages?
Ben L. Carswell, University of Georgia; Cecil A. Jennings, United States Geological Survey
Diagnostic of pacific bluefin tuna farming in the coast of Baja California, Mexico
Jade Sainz-Garduno, Comisión Nacional de Acuacultura y Pesca
Patterns of ichthyofaunal connectivity in the Monongahela River Basin
William G. Kimmel, PhD, California University of Pennsylvania; David G. Argent, PhD, California University of Pennsylvania
Relations between reduced streamflow variability and fish assemblages in eastern USA streams
Michael R. Meador, U.S. Geological Survey; Daren M. Carlisle, U.S. Geological Survey
Update to the distribution of Allegheny River fishes using a new sampling technique (Withdrawn)
Effects of CFT legumine rotenone on macroinvertebrates in East Fork Specimen Creek, Yellowstone National Park
Joseph A. Skorupski, University of North Texas; James H. Kennedy, PhD, University of North Texas; Todd M. Koel, PhD, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Section
Is the distribution of potamodromous and native Iberian fish affected by artificial barriers?
Paulo Branco, Instituto Superior de Agronomia; Pedro Segurado, PhD, Instituto Superior de Agronomia; José Maria Santos, Instituto Superior de Agronomia; Paulo Jorge Pinheiro, Instituto Superior de Agronomia; Maria Teresa Ferreira, Instituto Superior de Agronomia
Evaluating effects of water withdrawals and impoundments on fish assemblages in southern New England streams
Yoichiro Kanno, University of Connecticut; Jason C. Vokoun, PhD, University of Connecticut
The feasibility of restoring gilt darters (Percina evides) to the lotic benthic community of New York's Allegheny River
John Robert Foster, PhD, State University of New York; Douglas M. Carlson, NYSDEC
A baseline survey of crayfish species in the Pigeon River, Tennessee and North Carolina
Casey Dunn, University of Tennessee; Larry Wilson, PhD, University of Tennessee
Genetic evaluation of stock structure and population bottlenecks in the severely depleted cowcod
Jon E. Hess, PhD, Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission; Paul Chittaro, Nortwest Fisheries Science Center; Anna Elz, Nortwest Fisheries Science Center; Libby Gilbert-Horvath, Southwest Fisheries Science Center; Victor Simon, Nortwest Fisheries Science Center; John Carlos Garza, PhD, Southwest Fisheries Science Center
Summer sucker (Catostomus utawana) as a species of responsibility for NY
Douglas M. Carlson, NYSDEC; Richard S. Morse, New York State Museum
How striped bass population structures can be confounded across generations by mitochondrial heteroplasmy
Ernest P. Williams, University of Maryland; Adam C. Peer, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Allen R. Place, PhD, University of Maryland
Ontogenetic, diel, and seasonal variation in habitat use of American eel in a tributary of the Hudson River
James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Christopher C. Nack, B.S., State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
To cue or not to cue, that is the question: Alarm cues in the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki)
Sylvan Klein, the Academy of Natural Sciences; Adam Faranda, the Academy of Natural Sciences
Stock discrimination of American monkfish in northwest Atlantic using mitochondiral DNA
Belita Nguluwe, NOAA Living Marine Resources Cooperative Science Center,University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Andrea K. Johnson, Ph.D., University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Allen R. Place, PhD, University of Maryland; Joel Carlin, PhD, Gustavus Adolphus College; Anne Richards, PhD, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS/NOAA
A histology-based appraisal of gonad maturation in female dolphinfish collected offshore of Florida, USA
Richard S. McBride, Ph.D., National Marine Fisheries Service; Derke J. G. Snodgrass, National Marine Fisheries Service; Douglas H. Adams, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission; Steven J. Rider, Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries; James A. Colvocoresses, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission
Distribution of egg strands of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) with respect to depth and spawning substrate
Martin Cech, PhD, Biology Centre as CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Jiri Peterka, PhD, Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Milan Riha, M.Sc., Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Tomas Juza, M.Sc., Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Jan Kubecka, Assist., Prof., PhD, Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology
Do prey resources explain differential habitat use of age-0 yellow perch and bluegill?
Mark A. Kaemingk, South Dakota State University; David W. Willis, PhD, South Dakota State University
Bioavailabilty of amoxicillin from oral and intramuscular administered to flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus
Jung Soo Seo, Ph.D, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute; Eun Je Jun, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute; Bo-young Jee, PhD, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute; Sung Hee Jung, PhD, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute; Jin Woo Kim, PhD, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute; Myoung Ae Park, PhD, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute
Salinity tolerance of the exotic round goby: Experimental implications for seawater ballast exchange
Carol A. Stepien, Ph.D., University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center; Susanne Karsiotis, University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center; Lindsey Pierce, University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center
Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum): Searching for spawning habitat in the Penobscot River, Maine
Matthew T. Wegener, University of Maine; Michael T. Kinnison, PhD, University of Maine; Gayle Zydlewski, PhD, University of Maine
Gastric evacuation rates, ration and consumption modeling of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) and deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsonii) from Lake Michigan
Justin G. Londer, M.S., 1) University of MIchigan School of Natural Resources and Environement; 2) USGeological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center; D. Bo Bunnell, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; James S. Diana, PhD, University of MIchigan School of Natural Resources and Environment; Margi Chriscinske, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Vince M. Belill, M.S., USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Wendy Stott, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Melissa J. Kostich, USGS Great Lakes Science Center
The importance and consequences of maternal energetic condition on larval growth and survival in two Atlantic coast striped bass populations
Adam C. Peer, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Thomas J. Miller, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Effect of food quantity and quality on the growth and survival of European perch and roach early juveniles
Jiri Peterka, PhD, Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology; Josef Matena, Assist., Prof., PhD, Biology Centre AS CR, Institute of Hydrobiology
Using otoliths and scales to investigate the life history of American shad in the Columbia River
Lisa A. Wetzel, US Geological Survey; Kimberly A. Larsen, US Geological Survey; Michael J. Parsley, US Geological Survey; Bjorn K. van der Leeuw, US Geological Survey; Christian E. Zimmerman, US Geological Survey; Brian P. Kennedy, PhD, University of Idaho
Development of polymorphic microsatellite markers in bocaccio rockfish
Andrea R. Burton, Undergraduate, Juniata College; Vincent Buonaccorsi, PhD, Juniata College
Effect of decreasing reef complexity on damselfish territory size
Erin Ferer, University of West Florida; Rachel Wilborn, University of West Florida; Pomory Christopher, University of West Florida; Wayne Bennett, PhD, University of West Florida
Fluctuating asymmetry in the otoliths of juvenile Atlantic menhaden from three locations in Chesapeake Bay
Jason J. Schaffler, PhD., Old Dominion University; Cynthia M. Jones, Old Dominion University; Miquel Palmer, PhD, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies (IMEDEA)-CSIC/UIB
Ecological requirements for pallid sturgeon reproduction and recruitment in the lower Missouri River
Aaron J. DeLonay, U.S. Geological Survey; Robert B. Jacobson, U.S. Geological Survey; Diana M. Papoulias, U.S. Geological Survey; Mark L. Wildhaber, U.S. Geological Survey; Kimberly A. Chojnacki, U.S. Geological Survey; Casey L. Bergthold, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Gerald E. Mestl, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Endangered Lost River and shortnose suckers in Lake Ewauna and use of the Link River Dam fish ladder, Oregon
Missy Braham, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation; Alex Wilkens, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
Islands and invasions: Eradication of nile tilapia in the Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador
Leo G. Nico, U.S. Geological Survey; Howard L. Jelks, U.S. Geological Survey; Duane Chapman, USGS; William F. Loftus, U.S. Geological Survey
The response of riverine fish communties to Dreissena-induced benthification (Withdrawn)
Just say “No” to didymo: Tracking the distribution and abundance of ‘Rock snot' in Gunpowder Falls, Maryland, USA
Katherine Laycock, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Ronald Klauda, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Anthony Prochaska, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Walter Butler, Maryland Department of Natural Resources; Dennis Genito, Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Resource Management
Among year variation in seasonal patterns of larval production by bluegill sunfish in two Ohio ponds (Withdrawn)
Evaluating growth and survival of juvenile pallid sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus albus) tagged with non-functioning telemetry transmitters
Jennifer L. Johnson, Southern Illinois University; Sara J. Tripp, Southern Illinois University; Quinton E. Phelps, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; James E. Garvey, PhD, Southern Illinois University
Maximizing emigration of young-of-the-year spot (Leiostomus xanthurus) from a South Carolina nursery
Kelly F. Robinson, The University of Georgia; Cecil A. Jennings, United States Geological Survey
Relationship between fillet bruising patterns and vascular anatomy in commercially harvested Yellowtail Flounder (Limanda ferruginea) (Withdrawn)
Movement of Salt Creek pupfish (Cyprinodon salinus salinus) living in Salt Creek, Death Valley, CA
Maria C. Dzul, Iowa State University; Michael C. Quist, PhD, Iowa State University; Steven J. Dinsmore, Iowa State University, Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management
Effects of dietary restriction on PCB congener dynamics and their association with innate immune function in channel catfish
Devin Demario, U.S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit; Tyler Wagner, PhD, Penn State University; Megan V. Kepler, U.S. Geological Survey, Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit; Vicki Blazer, U.S.G.S. B.R.D.; Luke R. Iwanowicz, U.S.G.S. B.R.D.; Dale C. Honeyfield, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
Effects of supplemental feed on bluegill growth and reproduction
Steven R. Woodward, Auburn University; Russell A. Wright, PhD, Auburn University; Dennis R. DeVries, PhD, Auburn University
Genetic structure and diversity of variegate darters (Etheostoma variatum) in the Big Sandy River drainage
Jane E. Argentina, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Paul L. Angermeier, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey, Virginia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Eric M. Hallerman, Virginia Tech
Barrier removal in Sedgeunkedunk Stream: Sea lamprey recolonization and implications for Atlantic salmon habitat restoration
Robert S. Hogg, B.S., University of Maine; Stephen M. Coghlan Jr., PhD, University of Maine; Joseph Zydlewski, U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit; Kevin Simon, PhD, University of Maine; Cory Gardner, B.S., University of Maine; Silas Ratten, B.S., University of Maine
The bay delta conservation plan – a complex regulatory process
Amanda E. Ransom, HDR, Inc; William Snider, HDR, Inc
Acute physicochemical effects from Hurricane Gustav in a large river-floodplain system
Christopher P. Bonvillain, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; B. Thorpe Halloran, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; Kevin Boswell, Louisiana State University; William E. Kelso, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center; D. Allen Rutherford, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
Pigeon River restoration: The first nine years
Joyce Coombs, University of Tennessee; J. Larry Wilson, University of Tennessee; Jonathon Burr, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation; Steven J. Fraley, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Assessment of fish habitat impairment in U.S. reservoirs
Rebecca M. Krogman, Mississippi State University; L.E. Miranda, PhD, Mississippi State University; W. Reed Green, U.S.G.S. Arkansas Water Science Center; Jeff Boxrucker, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation
Fish use of intermittent watercourses draining agricultural lands in the Upper Willamette River Valley, Oregon
Guillermo Giannico, PhD, Oregon State University; Randall Colvin, LaGrange College; Judith Li, Oregon State University; Kathryn Boyer, U.S.D.A. Natural Resources Conservation Service; William Gerth, Oregon State University
Composition analysis of microcystins in various laboratory cultured Microcystis spp. clones
Faith S. Santiago, Bureau Of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources; Hong-Nong Chou, National Taiwan University
The effect of wet weather driven dissolved oxygen sags on fishes in urban stream - A pilot study
Douglas Bradley, LimnoTech, Inc.; David H. Wahl, PhD, University of Illinois; Cory Suski, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Greg Gaulke, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Thomas Minarik, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago; John Wolfe, PhD, LimnoTech, Inc.
Ground-truthing acoustic side-scan signatures on the upper Ohio River
William Cody Fleece, Stantec Consulting; Walter H. Pearson, PhD, Peapod Research; Thomas J. Maier, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Joey T. Seamands, Stantec Consulting; Adam N. Pooler, Stantec Consulting
Effectiveness of relative weight (Wr) of bluegill as an indicator of environmental conditions
Max H. Wolter, Illinois Natural History Survey; Matthew J. Diana, MS, Illinois Natural History Survey; David H. Wahl, PhD, University of Illinois
Hands free surgery photography system for high volume tagging studies
Brian L. LaMarche, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mark A. Weiland, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Nathan G. Trimble, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; John D. Ryan, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Christa M. Woodley, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Two methods for predicting locations of rare darter habitat
James McKenna Jr., PhD, USGS; Douglas M. Carlson, NYSDEC; Molly L. Payne, State University of New York
Integration of aquaponics into a flow-through fish culture system improves water quality
Karen M. Buzby, PhD, West Virginia University; Todd P. West, PhD, West Virginia University; Xinchao Wei, PhD, West Virginia University; Kenneth J. Semmens, PhD, West Virginia University
Age-determination of yellowtail flounder from conventional tagging
Samuel A. Matulich, Humboldt State University; Sarah Emery, National Marine Fisheries Service/Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Larry A. Alade, PhD, NOAA, NEFSC
GIS tools to assess the risks and benefits of barrier removal to native fish populations in Idaho
Paul Reyes, MSc, student, University of Idaho; Christine Moffitt, PhD, University of Idaho; Jody Brostrom, MSc, USFWS
Estimation of wave energy using fetch and wind data at horseshoe crab spawning beaches along the Connecticut coast
Alicia Landi, B.S., University of Connecticut; Jason Vokoun, PhD, University of Connecticut
A PCR-based assay for detection of hematodinium sp. in sediment and water from the Maryland coastal bays
Whitney E. Dyson, University of Maryland Eastern Shore-LMRCSC; Eric Schott, PhD, IMET-Univ of MD Center for Environmental Science; Ammar Hanif, IMET-Univ of MD Center for Environmental Science; Holly Bowers, IMET-Univ of MD Center for Environmental Science-COMB; Joseph Pitula, PhD, University of Maryland Eastern Shore-LMRCSC
Assessing shoal bass habitat use from low-cost side scan sonar and electrofish data
Thomas Litts, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Adam J. Kaeser, PhD, Georgia Department of Natural Resources; Travis R. Ingram, Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Who's knocking on the door? Using DIDSON to assess the presence of American shad in the Penobscot River
Ann B. Grote, University of Maine; Joseph D. Zydlewski, U.S. Geological Survey: Maine Cooperative Fisheries and Wildlife Research Unit; Michael M. Bailey, PhD, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Christine Lipsky, NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service - Maine Field Station
Effect of dietary essential oils on the resistance to furunculosis by Atlantic salmon
H. George Ketola, Ph.D., Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Great Lakes Science Center; Clifford E. Starliper, Ph.D., Leetown Science Center; Andrew D. Noyes, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Fred G. Henson, New York State-Department of Environmental Conservation
Immersing thiamine-deficient eggs and fry in water with added thiamine to reduce early mortality of fry of Atlantic salmon
H. George Ketola, Ph.D., Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Great Lakes Science Center; Jeffrey S. Robins, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
A GIS for a large river: Fishes, bathymetry, water velocity, sediment, and woody debris
Mark Pyron, Ball State University; Reuben Goforth, Purdue University; Jayson Beugly, Purdue University; Scott Morlock, U.S. Geological Survey; Moon Kim, U.S. Geological Survey
Evaluation of a new preparation technique for flathead catfish pectoral spines
Tyler J. Stubbs, Mississippi State University; Jeff Koch, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks; Randy D. Schultz, Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Influence of dietary lipids on survival, growth, and fatty acid composition of brown trout and Atlantic salmon juveniles
Edward A. Wesolowski, The College of Brockport, State University of New York; Jacques Rinchard, PhD, The College of Brockport, State University of New York; Blake Synder, The College of Brockport, State University of New York; Robert C. Geroux, The College of Brockport, State University of New York
Fall diel diet composition and feeding activity of American eel (Anguilla rostrata) in a tributary of the Hudson River, NY
Emily Waldt, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Ross Abbett, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; James H. Johnson, PhD, US Geological Survey; Dawn E. Dittman, PhD, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; James E. McKenna Jr., PhD, US Geological Survey
Uncertainty in the interpretation of telemetry data: A matter of significance
Daniel S. Stich, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Brian R. Murphy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Effects of diet switching on growth and immunity in Nile tilapia fed a basal, control diet or a diet supplemented with β-glucan
Thomas L. Welker, United States Department of Agriculture; Chhorn Lim, United States Department of Agriculture; Phillip H. Klesius, United States Department of Agriculture
Egg thiamine threshold for reproduction of rainbow trout
H. George Ketola, Ph.D., Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science, Great Lakes Science Center; Thomas L. Chiotti, New York State-Department of Environmental Conservation
Verification of otolith origin used for aging channel catfish by fisheries managers
D. Randy Stewart, Oklahoma State University; James M. Long, PhD, U.S. Geological Survey
Crayfish of the Susquehanna River
Brian P. Mangan, PhD, King's College
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