41-3 Non-federal hydropower development at USACE projects

Wednesday, September 15, 2010: 8:40 AM
404 (Convention Center)
Kamau Sadiki , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HQ, Washington, DC
Section 1834 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) required the Secretaries of Energy, Interior, and Army to “jointly conduct a study assessing the potential for increasing electric power production at federally owned or operated … facilities.”  The Corps supports non- Federal hydropower development at its projects that is consistent with the authorized project purposes and water management objectives.  There are over 90 FERC licensed power plants at Corps dams with 2,300 MW of capacity. The EPAct joint agencies study results included identification of 58 feasible Corps sites with an estimated 1,230 MW additional capacity.  In addition to FERC requirements, developers must also meet requirements of Section 10 of the River and Harbors Act, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, and 33 USC 408.  Impacts on fisheries and the environment from non-Federal hydropower development at Corps facilities will be discussed. While the process that developers must undergo can be difficult, time consuming, and expensive, the Corps is committed to meeting its obligations under the law and existing policies including development of new renewable hydropower energy for the benefit of the Nation.