Merging Deeper Currents - A Focus on Renewable Energy Development in Our Rivers

Wednesday, September 15, 2010: 8:00 AM-11:40 AM
404 (Convention Center)

Merging deeper currents – A focus on renewable energy development in our rivers

Given the national interest in reducing dependence on foreign energy, a keen focus on the importance of renewable energy resources, and significant policy and legislative changes at many levels there is there is a great deal of movement toward development of renewable energy projects. Conventional hydropower facility installations at existing dams and new technologies classified as hydrokinetics are the renewable energy sources that are the focus of this symposium. There is great concern among many fisheries professionals about the impacts such developments may have. Some concerns may be legitimate while others may be over reactions, perhaps based on a lack of information available to draw reasonable conclusions. The objective of this symposium is to convey information from a variety of perspectives: USACE, developers, regulators, among others. The Pittsburgh Annual Meeting is especially germane because many of the new development opportunities are in the Ohio/Mississippi drainages. This symposium will provide a forum for delivery and discussion of the various perspectives on renewable energy development. We will delve into the drivers responsible for the renewed interest, who some of the ‘players’ are, why this makes sense in the broader picture of energy use, and of course a focus on the technical issues involved. This symposium will certainly be relevant to AFS members involved in the regulatory and fisheries management arenas (particularly in our large river systems), industry and consulting biologists, and anyone interested in renewable energy.

Tim Brush
Tim Brush
8:20 AM
Hydropower - responsible renewable energy development
Jeffrey Leahey, National Hydropower Association
8:40 AM
Non-federal hydropower development at USACE projects
Kamau Sadiki, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, HQ
9:20 AM
Turbine passage survival
Tim Brush, Normandeau Associates; Steve Adams, Normandeau Associates
9:40 AM
Hydro Green Energy's approach to renewable energy development at existing infrastructure
Mark Stover, Hydro Green Energy; Wayne Krouse, Hydro Green Energy
10:00 AM
11:00 AM
Concluding remarks
See more of: Symposium Submissions