41-1 A focus on renewable energy development in our rivers - introductory remarks

Wednesday, September 15, 2010: 8:00 AM
404 (Convention Center)
Tim Brush , Normandeau Associates, Westmoreland, NH
There is a keen interest in our nation to increase the amount of renewable energy in our overall energy portfolio. Of the available renewable sources, waterpower technologies offer the most reliable and dispatchable energy supply. This symposium focuses on the development of renewable waterpower energy in the Ohio and Mississippi drainages. I am very pleased to bring to you several high ranking and influential professionals from the USACE, FERC, waterpower developers, and the National Hydropower Association.  We'll consider conventional and new technologies and we'll look at policy, regulatory, technical, and environmental aspects of new development. After the presentations, we'll have an open and interactive discussion that includes the audience.