137-1 Application of Telemetry to the Study of Aquatic Animals: Changing Techniques and Common Problems

Thomas Quinn , School of Aquatic and Fishery Science, University of Washigton, Seattle, WA
Telemetry is a fundamental technique for the study of basic topics in animal behavior and ecology, with many applications to conservation and management.  This presentation will focus on ultrasonic tracking and telemetry of fishes, providing first a brief overview of some of the important developments in the field in terms of transmitters and receivers.  This introduction will be followed by comments on some of the technical and analytical problems common to many studies.  Recent improvements in technology have been noteworthy but some basic issues continue to thwart efforts to maximize the information that can be gleaned from telemetry studies.  Examples of studies addressing these problems will be highlighted in an effort to spur further communication among researchers conducting research using these techniques.