14-9 Understanding Our Recreational Constituents: A Regional Perspective on the Value and Methods of Social Science in NOAA's Recreational Fishing Initiative

Christopher Hawkins , NOAA Fisheries Service, Honolulu, HI
In recent years, Federal fishery management has taken on a slightly more balanced management emphasis between commercial and noncommercial issues.  There are several factors that underpin this transition, including the Administration’s encouragement of catch shares, the MSA’s requirement of annual catch limits, a burgeoning recreational sector, an ecosystem-based management approach, and the decline of some important sportfish species.  Engaging noncommercial participants for the purpose of social and ecological data collection presents unique regional challenges and opportunities in terms of theory, sampling, and study implementation.  This presentation will discuss recent Federal noncommercial fishery activities in the U.S. western Pacific and the national and local drivers of these activities.  We will also briefly introduce a current human dimensions study that speaks to many of the topics identified above.