90-16 Mechanisms for Evolutionary Stasis of the Genus Lethenteron in the Okhotsk Sea Basin (Pacific Ocean)
On biological and genetic analysis (Artamonova et al., 2010; Kucheryavyi et al., 2007; Kucheryavyy, 2008; Kucheryavyy et al., 2010) shown that Le. kessleri, Le. reissneri and Le. camtschaticum, described before as “true-species”, are only components of one multi-structured species. The dynamical stability in the species provided by adult forms: typically anadromous, origin from Amur, Kamchatka, Chukotka, Sakhalin regions, anadromous forma praecox from Kamchatka, Chukotka, different freshwater forms like warm-water, cold-water and channel-resident forms, non-grass feeding lake and non-feeding lake forms (Kucheryavyy et al., 2010). The forms are epigenetic; their development is depended on combined effect of external nature conditions during the early ontogeny of the specimens (Kucheryavyy et al., 2007, Kucheryavyy, 2010). One of the main factors, for the strategy definition is Pacific salmons (Kucheryavyy et al., 2010). Different forms of the lamprey are important to maintain a dynamic equilibrium within the Okhotsk Sea population of the Arctic lamprey.