100-8 Regional Climate Simulations for North America
North America and a 15 km grid over Western and Eastern North America. Our goals are 1) to
understand the nature of climate change and variability and how that is manifest in ecosystem and
hydrological responses, 2) to evaluate the ability of the regional model to simulate known past climate
changes and 3) to provide climate information in a form that is useful for land managers.
We are driving the regional model with lateral and surface (SST) boundary conditions derived from three
AOGCMs: GENMOM (1990‐2100), GFDL (1968‐1999 and 2038‐2069), Max Planck (1860‐2100) and the
NCEP Reanalysis (1968‐2010). The 50‐km runs are continuous over the indicated periods. The 15‐km
runs are multi‐decadal and spaced over the bounding periods. We are saving large sets (>70 fields and
variables) of simulated and derived surface and atmospheric fields for each simulation on a 3‐hr time
step. We will present an aspect of our analysis of potential climate‐related changes in surface
hydrology that are relevant to aquatic habitat in Western North America.