19-14 Priority Scientific Uncertainties and Information Needs in Coming Years for Achieving Restoration Goal

Gerald Hatler , California Department of Fish and Game, Fresno, CA
The SJRRP (Program) presents a challenge in resolving scientific uncertainties that will inform implementation of restoration actions while accommodating a restrictive timeline as required in the Settlement. The San Joaquin River system within the restoration area is a highly altered system that does not lend itself well to implement near-term changes that will support a restored fishery. Very little is known or understood about the feasibility of restoration actions and progress is further challenged by necessary agency processes, regulatory responsibilities and policies. Nevertheless, the Program fishery agencies have accomplished significant milestones geared towards implementing scientifically defensible actions in spite of these challenges.

Program fishery actions are directed by an adaptively managed program that has been outlined in the "DRAFT Fisheries Management Plan: A Framework for Adaptive Management in the San Joaquin River Restoration Program" (FMP). Concepts formulating the adaptive process were are largely based upon the work of Williams et al. 2007 and Cummins et al. 2008. [outline basic conceptual steps]

Program milestones have included [list actions completed to date].  Prioritization may be influenced by what is achievable and identified critical needs as they are encountered. [provide representation of critical needs and align them with a reasonable timeline for accomplishing them] [Identify near-term anticipated products and discuss how they may influence the critical need/timeline]