95-10 2. Instrumentation and Remote Monitoring for Fish Passage and Protection, From Nets to Satellites and Back Again

Samuel V. Johnston , Consulting, HTI-Vemco USA, Inc., Seattle, WA
The last 30 years has seen an accelerating trend toward electronic monitoring techniques in a wide variety of fisheries applications.  While physical capture techniques (netting, trapping, electroshocking, etc.) used to be the standard accepted methodology for collecting fisheries data, recently an ever more sophisticated array of electronic monitoring systems have become widely used.  Acoustic systems (acoustic telemetry systems and active hydroacoustic systems) are a major part of this revolution in fisheries techniques.  With more species and stocks of fish becoming threatened or endangered, acoustics can provide unobtrusive monitoring capabilities, and provide information unavailable with traditional techniques.  Acoustic systems and their capabilities and shortcomings are discussed, including acoustic telemetry systems and active hydroacoustic monitoring systems.