106-1 A Fish Passage Study, US Army Corps of Engineers Style!
HDR was tasked with developing a Definite Project Report with an associated Environmental Assessment by the St. Paul District, US Army Corps of Engineers for a Fishway around Lock and Dam 3, located on the Mississippi River, north of Red Wing, Minnesota. Due to the development of the Lock and Dam Navigation System on the Mississippi River, migratory fish movement has been impacted which has resulted in reduced numbers of these species as well as negatively impacting native mussel communities. Fishways are used commonly in the East and West regions to address the movement of salmonids. Fishways in the Midwest are now becoming more common, with "natural fishways" composed of stone and boulder ramps and pools being the preferred design. Alternatives for potential fishway design and other options for consideration are presented with associated Incremental Cost Analysis and Habitat Units for each alternative estimated. Swimming speeds and ability to access fishways are estimated for identified migratory fish species. These and other parameters are evaluated for determination of the recommended alternative.