80-16 Not Another Spreadsheet: Project Tracking in cbfish.org
For the past seven years we’ve been working with the Fish & Wildlife program within the Bonneville Power Administration and overseen by the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, to find ways to improve how they handle data to realize:
- greater consistency (can the contracting process be streamlined and more predictable?),
- enhanced program intelligence & reporting (from 2005-2010, how many riparian acres were planted that benefit steelhead?), and
- transparency (where does all the money go?).
Often for us that meant working with folks who maintained disparate spreadsheets and Access databases to find a better way to sort and summarize the information using web and database technologies. Yes, our mission was to axe many of those XLSs; but not before replacing them with shareable, scalable, easier to maintain systems of record.
One such system that Sitka Technology Group started to design and build a couple years ago, and continues to evolve with BPA and its regional partners today, is cbfish.org. At heart, it is a tool that provides transparent access to the obligations, objectives, projects, and accomplishments of one the world’s largest mitigation and restoration programs ($300-400M annually). This presentation provides a brief overview of the drivers for the system, the process we used to design and build it, and what we learned along the way.