48-18 Global Perspectives on Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries

Anne Hollowed , Alaska Fisheries Science Center, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, WA
Recent global assessment reports provide compelling evidence that climate change is occurring and this process will impact marine ecosystems.  In response to these reports, the marine science community has endeavoured to provide new science to improve our ability to understand and predict these impacts.  These new studies suggest that climate change will impact marine ecosystems through its influence on ecosystem productivity, habitat quality and quantity.  These changes will impact biodiversity, and the phenology, spatial distribution, interactions, and vital rates of marine biota resulting in changes in the quantity, quality and availability of marine resources for human use.  The ripple effect of these changes will be felt around the world.  The marine science community is united in an effort to develop mechanistic scenarios to project: bio-physical couplings in marine ecosystems and expected changes in anthropogenic trends in marine resource use.  This presentation will provide an overview of the efforts of the global research community to form interdisciplinary research teams to deliver science-based advice to decision makers.