36-3 The Science-Policy Interface: Risk Assessment in the Columbia River Basin

Richard Alldredge , Washington State University, Pullman, WA
The experiences that the ISAB and ISRP have had at the Science-Policy Interface are not unique, but they are special.  The tension between a scientific way of collecting, organizing, and persistently pursuing knowledge often slows the pace of timely decision making.  The dialog on the one hand asks for more information to reduce uncertainty, while on the other hand asks for timely decisions. Both scientists and policy makers desire to manage risk in the face of uncertainty.  Risk assessment, as a part of risk management, provides some language and tools that can facilitate discussion between policy makers and scientists.  This presentation uses recent examples of important policy decisions in the Columbia River Basin that were informed by input from ISAB and ISRP to illustrate decision making under uncertainty.  Principles of risk assessment will be used to highlight areas where communication at the science-policy interface may be enhanced.