114-15 Using Two-Dimensional Acoustic Telemetry to Track Fish Response to Habitat Features for Evaluating Project Design Alternatives and Supporting Long-Term Planning for the Sacramento River System

Brian M. Mulvey , Sacramento District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento, CA
David L. Smith , Cognitive Ecology & Ecohydraulics Team, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS
Robert Abbott , Environ, Emeryville, CA
Dale Webber , VEMCO Ltd., Halifax, NS, Canada
The Sacramento River Bank Protection Project was authorized to protect more than 1700 kilometers of levees and flood control facilities. A key component of the levee repair work is the incorporation of environmental features that restore riparian and fish habitat function.  Presently, the primary tool for planning the incorporation of these features is the Standard Assessment Methodology (SAM). SAM uses a combination of field data, riparian and geomorphologic models to assess proposed project impacts and benefits, but there still remains uncertainty regarding the function and value of the incorporated features for benefiting the target fish species.

To improve the assessment ability of SAM and better understand the benefits of the constructed habitat features and alternative planning objectives, we are collecting two-dimensional fish movement data using acoustic tags and developing models supporting the use of Eularian Lagrangian Agent Method (ELAM).  The fish movement tracking data is used to calibrate and validate ELAM output, which can be used to model generalized results to produce site-specific habitat suitability curves that can be incorporated into the SAM and improve assessment and forecasting capabilities.   The combination of the SAM with ELAM is a promising approach that could improve the planning and execution of ecological restoration projects.

Two-dimensional tracking presents some significant challenges, especially in a large river system with dynamic flows.  To achieve successful two-dimensional results, our studies required the development of new tools and adaptive planning to respond to the changing system.