120-17 Investigating an Inshore Spawning Group of Atlantic Cod Using Acoustic Telemetry
Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) stocks have declined significantly in the northwest Atlantic resulting in the disappearance of historic spawning aggregations, particularly in the Gulf of Maine region. Using acoustic telemetry, we investigated the movement patterns of cod with respect to a small-scale spawning ground within a seasonal fishery closure that was designed to protect spawning cod in Massachusetts Bay. Data acquired from cod equipped with acoustic transmitters documented spawning site fidelity within this group of fish. Residency of cod on the spawning ground was high throughout the spawning season as cod remained on the spawning ground between two to six weeks with infrequent movements away from the area. Our results provide insight into cod life history and population structure within the Gulf of Maine and are being used to refine fishery management actions that focus on conserving the remaining spawning components and rebuilding historic stock structure and biomass.