P-203 Investigating Lake Whitefish Growth and Seasonal Movements. An Evaluation of Lake Whitefish Restoration Efforts in St. Froid Lake, Winterville, Maine

Silas Ratten , Wildlife Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME
Joseph Zydlewski , U.S. Geological Survey, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Orono, ME
The Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) is a native fish that was once found in 75 lakes in Maine.  Populations have experienced extirpation in many lakes due to invasive species, habitat loss, and over exploitation.  St. Froid Lake is 2400 acres, located in Aroostook County, Maine.  Historically, St. Froid Lake inhabited a healthy whitefish population, although it experienced extirpation in the 1960’s.  Currently annual stocking (approximately 2000 whitefish) supports the St. Froid Lake whitefish population.  From 2003 to 2010 stocked whitefish have been marked with year specific fin clips.  Clear Lake is 626 acres, located in Piscataquis County, Maine.  Clear Lake is remote, and continues to support a healthy whitefish population.  Furthermore, Clear Lake was identified by biologists as a suitable broodstock source for St. Froid Lake reestablishment efforts.  Whitefish growth will be assessed in St. Froid Lake and comparisons will be made to Clear Lake. In addition, whitefish movements will be categorized for each lake.  These investigations will aid in evaluating St. Froid Lake whitefish restoration efforts. To assess growth, whitefish will be sampled from St. Froid and Clear Lakes.  Sagittal otolith and scale samples will be collected and analyzed to determine age specific growth patterns for each Lake.  Movements will be investigated with acoustic telemetry methods.  Lake whitefish from Clear and St. Froid Lakes will be surgically implanted with Vemco V9TP acoustic tags.  Subsequently, acoustically tagged whitefish will be tracked using acoustic receiver arrays.  The current study was initiated in the fall of 2010; preliminary results will be presented.