90-14 USFWS Pacific Lamprey Conservation Initiative –Consideration of Climate Change Impacts for Restoration Planning
The goal of the Initiative is to develop a Pacific Lamprey Conservation Plan that will lead to restored Pacific Lamprey populations and improvement of their habitat across their entire distribution. We identified threats, restoration actions, research, monitoring, and evaluation needs for geographic population groups. We assessed the risk for these population groupings using the NatureServe conservation status assessment tool. This assessment and existing restoration plans are being integrated for the purpose of guiding the development of the Pacific Lamprey Conservation Plan.
One of the key uncertainties identified through this risk assessment was the impacts of climate change on lamprey populations. We applied the NatureServe climate change vulnerability index and threat analysis to assess the exposure of Pacific Lampreys to climate change across the range and sensitivity of the geographic groupings to the impacts. These were used to inform the focus of conservation measures across geographic population groupings.