102-9 Using Lakeshore Conservation Easements as a Cost Effective Method to Protect Fish Habitat
Using permanent conservation easements, we are targeting landowners of the already identified sensitive, undeveloped shorelands as donors to permanently protect these highest and most sensitive lakeshores in Cass County. A Land Conservation Specialist works with interested landowners to encourage donation of permanent easements using payment of all closing costs including appraisals, legal and financial advice, and title work as incentives. Costs average about $15,000 per easement. In 2010, Cass County Environmental Services secured 5 donated easements on 557 acres and 11,500 feet of shoreline worth $5.7 million. The average cost was $7.39 per shoreline foot for permanent protection and allowing property to remain on the tax roles versus a current acquisition cost of $1500-$3000 per foot, depending on the lake. Permanent protection through donated easements can be more cost effective than acquisition of riparian lands or restoration of impaired water quality. We are currently implementing a project, funded by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund, to place donated conservation easements on 12-15 riparian properties, protecting 1200-1500 acres of sensitive and priority shorelands in Cass County. Plans are well underway to expand this program to shorelands in Minnesota outside of Cass County.