Hartland Dam Fish and Boat Passage Project - Adapting and Selecting Fishways With Consideration for River Recreation and Safety

Thursday, September 12, 2013: 10:40 AM
Marriott Ballroom B (The Marriott Little Rock)
Benjamin Nielsen , McLaughlin Whitewater Design Group, Merrick & Company, Denver, CO
Scott Roth , FWS, Lakewood, CO
The Hartland Diversion Dam, constructed in the late 19th century, has not only been a barrier for migration of native Upper Colorado River Basin fish species in the Gunnison River for over a hundred years, it was also a hazard and obstruction to river users.  Multiple agencies tasked with promoting the recovery of native fish classified as endangered or species of concern and the community partnered to meet multiple objectives in a single project.  Design aspects related to adapting fishways to reduce hazards to river users, allow boat passage and achieve target fish passage hydraulic conditions are presented.  Application of a Multiple-Slot-Baffled Fishway, Confined Boulder Fishway and drop pool channel for multi-use projects is presented.  The project has been operational for a year with excellent results from post construction monitoring and feedback from river users and the community.