Dana M. Infante, PhD

Center for Systems Integration and Sustainability
Michigan State University
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
East Lansing, MI
USA 48824-1222
Email: infanted@msu.edu

M-HO-6 Fragmentation By Dams: Spatial Measures of Dam Impacts On Streams of the Conterminous U.S P-17 Catchment Creation and Data Attribution for Stream Reaches in Southern Alaska: Generating Data to Facilitate Stream Research and Management T-HO-3 Fish Community Threshold Response Associated With Coal and Mineral Mines in Catchments Th-BC-12 Noreast: A Stream Temperature Inventory Mapper and Web Portal for Evaluating Climate Change Effects On New England, Mid Atlantic and Great Lakes States Streams Th-BC-13 An Ecological Classification Approach for Hawaiian Stream Reaches: Improving Efforts to Assess Current and Future Conditions Th-BC-16 Identifying Vulnerabilities of Riverine Habitat and Fishes to Climate Change: Flow Th-BC-17 Identifying Vulnerabilities of Riverine Fishes to Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region Th-BC-18 Fishvis: A Web-Based Decision Support Mapper for Understanding the Response of Fish Species and Stream Temperature to Climate Change in the Great Lakes Region W-BB-10 Movements of a Mega-Fish Across Its Species Range W-HO-4 Assessment of Columbia River Salmonid Populations Using a Landscape Approach: An Application for the National Fish Habitat Partnership W-IZ-21 Relating Landscape Factors to In-Stream Patterns of Large Wood in Anadromous Streams of Southeast Alaska