Renewed Observer Coverage of the Lobster Pot and Trap Fishery in the Northeastern United States
Renewed Observer Coverage of the Lobster Pot and Trap Fishery in the Northeastern United States
Wednesday, August 20, 2014: 10:30 AM
302A (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
In spring 2012, the Northeast Fisheries Observer Program (NEFOP) began observer coverage of the commercial lobster pot and trap fishery to support finfish and lobster population assessments. Historically, the NEFOP only sporadically covered the lobster pot and trap fishery. Beginning with an adjustment in 2012 to the Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology (SBRM) used by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, the NEFOP was assigned a number of sea days for observer coverage of the lobster pot and trap fishery. To establish baseline sampling protocols, the NEFOP consulted with end users and staff associated with existing pot and trap sampling programs administered by state agencies in New England. NEFOP staff also conducted outreach to the inshore and offshore lobster fleets prior to coverage of the fishery. NEFOP staff initially observed a number of trips to test sampling protocols and equipment prior to certifying a class of experienced observers to cover the remaining sea days. These observers now cover the pot and trap lobster fleet year round, obtaining data from both the inshore state-waters fleet and the offshore Federal waters fleet. Future coverage levels will depend on funding availability and in part on the needs of the SBRM.