A New Forecasting Model for the American Lobster Fishery Using the American Lobster Settlement Index
science and management. As is true for many lobster fisheries, spawner-recruit
relationships for the American lobster (Homarus americanus) in the northwest
Atlantic have been particularly elusive to science. Settler-recruit relationships,
that track cohorts after larvae have settled to the sea bed, have proven more
productive, however. Here we describe a fishery recruitment forecasting model
we are developing based on the American Lobster Settlement Index (ALSI),
a comprehensive annual diver-based survey that quantifies the abundance
of young-of-year lobsters as they populate coastal nurseries. . The model begins with
the settlement index to set initial year-class strength and subjects cohorts to
variable growth as determined by temperature regime, as well as proxies for
natural mortality, including predator abundance and shell disease prevalence.
Projections are validated against independent indicators of recruitment to the
fishery. This talk will describe our model development to date. We anticipate the
projection models such as this will contribute to the stock assessment process
and allow stakeholders to make informed decisions relating to the management
of this fishery.