Can We Really Have It All?

Monday, August 18, 2014: 4:20 PM
204B (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
Jessica Mistak , Fisheries Division, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Gladstone, MI
In its simplest definition, work–life balance means having enough time for work and a personal life. This is easier said than done because this balance continuously changes throughout one’s career. Do not expect to find a perfect balance between work and personal life on the first try. Instead, determine what is important right now, and appreciate that your definition of important will be different than that of others.

Look up the phrase “have it all” and you will find just as much information on how to achieve it all as you are on the impossibility of achieving it all. Yet, there are ways in which some equilibrium can be established. Deliberate choices will help us be a better and more successful partner or spouse, parent, and thus employee. Keep in mind that to be truly successful at maintaining a work–life balance, individual situations will need to be periodically reassessed and changed, whether this means finding additional support, actively taking steps to become more personally and professionally fulfilled, or altering work arrangements. By managing our time and relying on others when needed, we will be happier, healthier, and more productive as employees.