From Plate to Bait! The Traceability System of the Southern Gaspé Lobster Fishery

Tuesday, August 19, 2014: 11:10 AM
303A (Centre des congrès de Québec // Québec City Convention Centre)
O'neil Cloutier , Regroupement des pêcheurs professionnels du sud de la Gaspésie, Chandler, QC, Canada
In the actual difficult economic context, Gaspé’s fishermen want to stand out from competition. They instated a lobster traceability system that meet the expectations of consumers by putting  forward the quality of their lobster, its verifiable origin and the conservation measures taken to ensure a sustainable fishery. Since 2012, all lobsters captured in Gaspe are identified with a special tag. AgriTraçabilité Québec,  a private organism responsible of different traceability across Québec province, supplied to each fisherman a unique number that is written on this tag. When entered on the websites www.monhomard.ca or www.alimentsduquebec.com, consumers can view a short video depicting their fisherman practicing its trade and even email him their appreciation. They can also learn the name of this captain and its boat, the fishing zone where the lobster was caught and the fishing method used. In 2013, a marketing campaign promoting the quality of the lobster and the possibility to trace it back to the fisherman who caught it was a resounding success. The objective has been reached since the demand for traceable Gaspé lobster was strong and fishermen have obtained a better price at the dock.