South Fork Nooksack Supplementation Program:Freshwater Captive Brood Rearing Component

Edward Eleazer , WDFW, Mill Creek, WA
Kendall Creek hatchery (WDFW) provides the necessary freshwater rearing component to the South Fork Nooksack Spring Chinook supplementation program. Since 2006, Kendall has received all of the captive broodstock from DNA tested South Fork juveniles. The fish are reared in freshwater until approximately one half of the broodstock are ready for the transition to saltwater at the Manchester research facility each year (NOAA). The remaining 500 or so of each brood year are then reared to maturity in freshwater at Kendall.

Kendall staff are responsible for daily data collection, feeding, monitoring for disease, preparing prescribed treatments and caring for the captive brood artificial environment. Special care and oversight is taken during any handling or transport of adult and juvenile captive brood. Several protocols have been established at Kendall specifically aimed at reducing stress and ensuring viable mature adults that can contribute to the overall success of this supplementation program.

Building upon a strong relationship of communication and cooperation between tribal, state and federal managers has been a priority for Kendall.  Without the effort of all agencies involved, everything from expansion of facility rearing capabilities to the end goal of seeing natural origin South Fork Spring Chinook recovering would not be possible.