The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership: A Forum for Regional Coordination
The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership: A Forum for Regional Coordination
Federal, state, tribal, local, and private aquatic monitoring programs in the Pacific Northwest evolved independently in response to different organizational and jurisdictional mandates and needs. To enhance efficiency and effectiveness of their monitoring efforts, the Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) provides a forum that supports collaboration and coordination among organizations and across jurisdictions. PNAMP consists of federal, tribal, and state partners from both fisheries and water quality agencies; other interested participants; and a coordinating staff. Activities are conducted by participant working groups and teams as endorsed by the partner-based steering committee. PNAMP receives significant policy support and direction by member organizations, commitments of technical resources and staff time and funding for the coordination itself.Topics of interest to partners include monitoring methods and design; the management and exchange of data; status and trends and species abundance distribution; and habitat assessment (with emphasis on review of methods across monitoring programs).