Project Documentation and How Monitoringresources.Org Can Help You
Project Documentation and How Monitoringresources.Org Can Help You
The Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP) was created to facilitate collaboration and coordination of the diverse monitoring programs within the region. To support partners, PNAMP has developed a suite of complementary web tools, MonitoringResources.org, designed to assist practitioners in documenting how, when, where, and why data are collected. With consistent documentation, practitioners can document details once, easily update yearly, and share their work many times. The tools can help focus partnerships and promote greater understanding of the monitoring programs in the region through a standard process for documenting collection and analysis methods and details about your spatial and temporal study design. PNAMP’s tools are also designed to manage monitoring sites, and create a sample design. The information that is documented or produced is integrated to allow users to engage in more efficient planning. Long term storage of information will preserve yearly documentation, making it easy to find details of how the data were collected and analyzed in the future. Standard documentation supports information sharing between monitoring programs in the region, allowing us to leverage dwindling funds for higher quality data.