Asian Carp Movement Patterns within the Upper Illinois River

Nicholas Barkowski , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, Chicago, IL
Matthew Shanks , U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, Chicago, IL
Asian carp have become established throughout the Illinois River and their proximity to the Great Lakes has caused concern throughout the region.  It is feared that their introduction into the Great Lakes may have significant impacts to the $7 billion a year fishing industry.  In order to monitor the progression of Asian carp within the Upper Illinois River, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, established a telemetry program to investigate movement patterns of Asian carp and assist state contracted commercial fishermen with Asian carp harvesting operations.  Since 2013, 33 Asian carp have been tagged with the Dresden Island Pool of the Upper Illinois Waterway and approximately 30 more fish are will be tagged in 2015.  A stationary Vemco VR2W network has been established through the Dresden Island pool since 2013.  Detection data will be used to determine movement patterns and help predict presence/absence of Asian carp to increase commercial harvest.  Data is currently being processed from 2014 and will be discussed.