Engaging Anglers in Missouri through Mobile Apps and GIS Technologies
Engaging Anglers in Missouri through Mobile Apps and GIS Technologies
Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 1:00 PM
Atlanta (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Missouri Department of Conservation biologists have placed over 4,000 fish attractor structures in more than 30 reservoirs throughout Missouri. Step one was creating quality habitat that would attract fish, step two is providing resources for anglers to locate the attractors. Three solutions were developed to help anglers find the attractor locations and get the most out of their fishing trip; an online interactive map, location (GPS) data downloads, and the “Find MO Fish” mobile application. These solutions provide easy access to the fish attractor data across various devices including computers, fish finders, GPS units, and smartphones/tablets. Providing easy access, multiple resources, and enjoyable and understandable user interfaces will continue to make these solutions viable and highly utilized with the goal of helping anglers have a quality fishing experience in Missouri. Since the launch of the solutions there have been over 130,000 views of the online interactive map, 70,000+ downloads of the “Find MO Fish” mobile application, and undoubtedly numerous enjoyable fishing outings on Missouri’s lakes.