Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Restoration: Innovative Techniques to Restore Habitat in our Nation's Impoundments Session II (Symposium)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 9:40 AM-2:20 PM
Atlanta (Sheraton at Crown Center)
This symposium will build on the highly successful reservoir habitat restoration symposium presented at the 2014 AFS Annual Meeting in Little Rock. The Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership (RFHP), one of 19 Fish Habitat Partnerships comprising the National Fish Habitat Partnership, has been providing granting and networking opportunities to fisheries professionals and lay users of reservoir resources since 2010. A national assessment on reservoir fisheries habitat impairments and a database on key reservoir metrics have been developed. Best Management Practices for reservoir habitat restoration have been compiled and made available online. Presentations on these efforts will be made. Partnering opportunities among fisheries management agencies, municipalities, corporations and anglers will be discussed. Agency habitat restoration programs will be highlighted and means of funding such programs will be shared. Most reservoirs were constructed for purposes other than providing fish habitat. The challenges of habitat restoration in the face of multi-use priorities will be discussed. The age-old question of whether adding structure to reservoirs serves simply as fish attractants or is a viable means of increasing productivity at the reservoir scale will be explored. Symposium participants will benefit from discussion of these topics and being informed of a path moving forward. Attendees should leave this symposium with the knowledge necessary to successfully encourage their employers to support the efforts to restore reservoir fisheries habitat on a national scale.
Jeff Boxrucker
Jeff Boxrucker
Tom Lang
10:00 AM
Small Reservoirs Can Still Present Large Rehabilitation Challenges! Caleb Huber, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
10:20 AM
Largescale Habitat Improvement on Table Rock Lake Michael J. Allen, Missouri Department of Conservation
10:40 AM
Installation and Evaluation of Fish Habitat Structures in Bull Shoals Lake, Missouri Nathan Recktenwald, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:20 AM
Winter Brushpile Installation in Small Missouri Reservoirs Tory Mason, Missouri Department of Conservation
11:40 AM
Tuesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Engaging Anglers in Missouri through Mobile Apps and GIS Technologies Alex Prentice, Missouri Department of Conservation
1:20 PM
Building Them Right the First Time: Nebraska's New Reservoir Technical Assistance Program Tony J. Barada, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Steve J. Satra, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission; Mark T. Porath, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
1:40 PM
Kentucky's Fish Habitat Program: Past, Present, Future Jeremy Shiflet, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources; Tom Timmermann, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources; Joseph Zimmerman, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
2:00 PM
See more of: Symposium Entries