Long Term O&M Cost Benefit Analysis of Implementing 316(b) Compliant Alternatives
As a result, other long-term considerations may have been overlooked in the process that makes it economically unviable in the long term. As the modified Ristroph band screens must now operate continuously in order to reduce the impingement time, this may result in increased costs of maintaining the equipment as its parts undergo higher levels of wear and tear.
Despite other alternatives available in the market, low levels of awareness among facility operators and the preference for short term measures continue to persist. Indeed, there is no one “right “way to achieve compliance with Section 316(b). However, it is important that facility operators be made aware of alternative methods and their potential long-term benefits.
BEAUDREY presentation will address the following:
- Cost impact of modified band screens on operation and maintenance costs over the long run
- Presentation of the various alternative solutions in the market