Developing Skill Sets for a Hatchery Career: What Makes You Marketable?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 2:40 PM
Van Horn B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Doug Aloisi , Genoa National Fish Hatchery, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Genoa, WI
Finding your first professional job can be difficult to achieve.  Most agencies place a high premium on the experience and educational background of qualified candidates when openings do occur.  While job seekers do have an ability to influence their educational background, opportunities to accrue hatchery specific experience can be limited.  This talk will describe various paths that are available to the aspiring fish culturist in the Fish and Wildlife Service.  It will also include specific examples of how to increase your marketability by garnering experiences in fish and aquatic species culture that are unique and highly sought after when hiring the next generation of fish culturists.  Experiences will cover a wide variety of opportunities, both compensated and volunteer.  The program will also discuss unique undergraduate and graduate programs that can transition successful candidates to full time employment.