Hatchery Fish Biologist... A Career for the Future (Symposium)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 9:40 AM-4:00 PM
Van Horn B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Fish Hatchery Biologist is a common position announcement found at jobs boards of natural resources websites. This symposium examines the premise that fish hatchery biologist will continue to be an important portal into the field of fisheries and natural resources management. We will examine the status and trends of state and federal fish hatchery programs. The symposium will also examine the current and future skill sets of a fish hatchery biologist. We note the skill sets for a fish hatchery biologist and a fisheries management biologist differ. Only four of the ten most important classes for fisheries management biologists were also listed among the ten most important classes for fish hatchery biologists (Gabelhouse 2010), meaning that preparation for a management career might leave a student under-prepared for a fish hatchery biologist position. Furthermore, there may be a disconnect between fish hatchery administrators and academics regarding the knowledge, skills, and competencies imparted in the ten most important classes for fish hatchery biologists. This symposium will explore the differences and similarities between the skills that fish hatchery administrators expect in their hatchery biologists and the skills that are being presented in the curricula of several academic institutions.
Steve Lochmann, Mike Barnes and Carl Kittel
Steve Lochmann, Mike Barnes and Carl Kittel
Steve Lochmann, Mike Barnes and Carl Kittel
9:40 AM
Charting a New Course for Fisheries Undergraduates in Alaska Trent M. Sutton, University of Alaska Fairbanks
10:00 AM
10:20 AM
Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies for a Fish Hatchery Biologist Steve Lochmann, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
10:40 AM
Michigan DNR Fish Culture Professionals: What Additional Training Is Desirable? Ed Eisch, Michigan Department of Natural Resources
11:00 AM
Texas a&M University Aquaculture/ Fisheries Curriculum Michael Masser, TX A&M University,; Delbert Gatlin III, Texas A&M University
11:40 AM
Tuesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Training Future Fish Hatchery Scientists: Three Decades of Experience at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Michael Eggleton, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Alf Haukenes, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Steve Lochmann, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff; Rebecca Lochmann, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
2:00 PM
2:20 PM
Preparation of Students As Fish Hatchery Biologists: An Academic Perspective from Auburn University Dennis R. DeVries, Auburn University; Covadonga R. Arias, Auburn University
2:40 PM
3:00 PM
Tuesday Afternoon Break
3:20 PM
A Career in the National Fish Hatchery System David Miko, US Fish and Wildlife Service
See more of: Symposium Entries