Craig Paukert
U.S. Geological Survey; University of Missouri; Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Using Habitat, Climate, and Biotic Interactions to Predict Co-Occurring Smallmouth Bass and Largemouth Bass in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways
Relationships Among Biotic Indices and Their Responses to Ecological Gradients in Least-Disturbed Ozark Streams
Don't Put a Fish out of Water: Developing Sampling Protocols to Integrate Fish into Wetland Management Decisions
Navigating a Thermally Heterogeneous World: Smallmouth Bass in Spring-Fed Rivers
Assessing Climate Impacts Based on Observed Fish Responses to Stream Temperature and Flow Metrics
Climate Change Effects on North American Inland Fish Physiology, Populations, and Assemblages
Agency Adaptation Strategies and Inland Recreational Fishers Response to Climate Change
Development and Potential Use of Broad-Scale Inundation Metrics to Evaluate the Role of Floodplain Inundation on Fishes in the Lower Missouri River
Using Existing Data to Examine Fish Community Changes Due to Stream Flow Alterations
Analysis of Factors Influencing Rock Bass Population Dynamics in an Ozark Border Stream
Stream Connectivity Effects on Island Backchannel Habitat Conditions Under Regulated Flows in the Lower Osage River
An Examination of Costs and Benefits for Capturing Meaningful Hydro-Geomorphic Criteria for Aquatic Biota in Rivers