Conservation and Restoration

Monday, August 22, 2016: 10:00 AM-9:30 PM
Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 9:00 AM-6:00 PM
Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM
Fish-Habitat Associations in Manistee River, Michigan Tributaries: Implications for Arctic Grayling Restoration Cameron Goble, Michigan Technological University; Nancy Auera, Michigan Technological University; Casey Huckins, Michigan Technological University; Brian Danhoff, Michigan Technological University; Marty Holtgren, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians; Stephanie Ogren, Little River Band of Ottawa Indians
Survival and Drift Behavior of Pallid Sturgeon Free Embryos and Larvae in an Artificial Channel Kevin Buhl, U.S. Geological Survey; Travis Schaeffer, U.S. Geological Survey
Age-0 Shovelnose Sturgeon Prey Consumption in the Lower Missouri River Marcus Miller, United States Army Corp of Engineers
Field Assessment of Fish Passage to Support Connectivity Restoration Decisions in Great Lakes Tributaries John Rodstrom, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Allison Moody, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Austin Milt, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Matthew Diebel, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Peter B. McIntyre, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Integrating Golden Mahaseer Life History into Bhutanese Natural Resource Conservation Planning Karma Wangchuk, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; D K Gurung, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Jigme Tsuendrup, World Wildlife Fund - Bhutan; Tshering Dorji, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Julie Claussen, Fisheries Conservation Foundation; Dechen Dorji, World Wildlife Fund - Bhutan; Namgay Dorji, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Singye Tshering, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Tshewang Tashi, Bhutan Ministry of Agriculture and Forests; Michael Philipp, World Wildlife Fund - US; David P. Philipp, Fisheries Conservation Foundation
Long-Term Fish Community Monitoring and Status of Topeka Shiner at Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota Jeff Williams, National Park Service; Hope Dodd, National Park Service; David Peitz, National Park Service; J. Tyler Cribbs, National Park Service; Katie Bertrand, South Dakota State University; Brian Graeb, South Dakota State University
The Development of a Respiration Model for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.): Implications for Conservation Erinn Ipsen, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada; David Deslauriers, University of Manitoba; Eva Enders, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Restoring Lake White Fish As an Integral Component of the Coldwater Fish Community in Otsego Lake, NY Daniel Garrett, SUNY Cobleskill; Kevin Thomas, SUNY Cobleskill; Samantha Carey, SUNY Cobleskill; Brent Lehman, State University of New York, Cobleskill; John R. Foster, State University of New York at Cobleskill; Mark Cornwell, State University of New York at Cobleskill; Scott Wells, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Dan Stich, State University of New York College at Oneonta
Fish Communities of Tallgrass National Preserve Tyler Cribbs, National Park Service; Hope Dodd, National Park Service, Heartland I&M Network
Reconstructing the Historic Distributions of Mussel Species in Wadeable Streams of Illinois Yong Cao, University of Illinois; Kevin Cummings, University of Illinois; Leon Hinz, University of Illinois; Alison Stodola, University of Illinois; Sarah Douglass, University of Illinois; Ann Holtrop, IL Department of Natural Resources
An Assessment of Fish Vulnerability to Climate Change Cody Craig, Texas State University; David Ruppel, Texas State University; Timothy H. Bonner, Texas State University
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