Cooperative Fisheries Research in Marine and Freshwater Systems: From Policy to Practice Session II (Symposium)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016: 9:40 AM-1:40 PM
Chouteau B (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Cooperative research between scientists and stakeholders is a time-tested model that has gained additional traction through formalized policy by fishery agencies and the emerging trend of citizen science initiatives. The benefits are many. Stakeholder-scientist networks have the capacity to leverage limited funds and produce information that surpasses independent academic efforts. Stakeholders typically have innate and historical knowledge of resource availability and environmental patterns, as well as readily available infrastructure and a "boots on the ground" capacity to mobilize research or monitoring programs. Inclusion of stakeholders in the data collection process encourages trust in the regulatory and management process. Cooperative research encompasses a huge spectrum of possibilities across marine and freshwater fisheries. Although marine and freshwater systems are fundamentally different, there are also commonalities, and as initiatives shift from traditional “pay-for-hire” models to true transdisciplinary science, there is great potential for these groups to learn from each other.  This symposium invites speakers to discuss these issues through reviews of established case studies or emerging cooperative fishery research approaches from either marine or freshwater ecosystems.  The goals for this symposium include i.) to highlight cooperative fisheries research in marine and freshwater systems, ii.) to provide examples where administrative policies have promoted the scope of cooperative research, or where the research itself has influenced management policy, and iii.) to create a forum to discuss lessons learned – what works (and why)?
Angela Collins, Chris Bradshaw, Travis Tuten and Kim Bonvechio
Angela Collins, Richard S. McBride and Nick Trippel
Angela Collins, Richard S. McBride, Nick Trippel, Quinton Phelps and Dave Herzog
9:40 AM
Ecosystem Services and Cooperative Fisheries Research to Address a Complex Fishery Problem Joel Hoffman, US EPA; Loren Miller, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Ted Angradi, US EPA Office of Research and Development; Lawrence Burkhard, US EPA Office of Research and Development; Kathleen Williams, US EPA Office of Research and Development; Jeramy Pinkerton, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; Jonathon Launspach, SRA International, Inc.
10:20 AM
Cooperative Implementation of Florida's Black Bass Management Plan Allen Martin, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Nick Trippel, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
10:40 AM
Florida's Tarpon Genetic Recapture Study – a Citizen Science Success Story Kathryn Guindon, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Carole Neidig, Mote Marine Laboratory; Michael Tringali, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Samantha Gray, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Thomas King, Mote Marine Laboratory; Christopher Gardinal, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Benjamin Kurth, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
11:00 AM
Incorporating Expertise from the Recreational Fishery to Determine Discard Mortality Estimates for Gray Snapper in a West-Central Florida Estuary and Adjacent Nearshore Gulf of Mexico Waters Kerry Flaherty-Walia, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Brent Winner, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; Amanda Tyler-Jedlund, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; John Davis, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
11:20 AM
Evaluating Cooperative Research Longline Vs. Bottom Trawl Survey Results: Improving Stock Assessments Loretta O'Brien, Woods Hole Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA; David McElroy, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA
11:40 AM
Tuesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
Gulf of Maine Data-Poor Species Assessments Enhanced By a Cooperative Bottom Longline Survey W. David McElroy, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA; Loretta O'Brien, Woods Hole Laboratory, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, NMFS, NOAA
1:20 PM
Utilizing Local Angler Groups for Dissolved Oxygen Data Collection in Large Highland Reservoirs Paul Port, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission; Jeremy Risley, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission; Christopher Wyatt, Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
See more of: Symposium Entries