60-12 FishWatch: Communicating the facts on sustainable U.S. seafood

Thursday, September 16, 2010: 12:20 PM
403 (Convention Center)
Katie Semon , National Marine Fisheries Service Headquarters, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Silver Spring, MD
Christopher Moore , National Marine Fisheries Service Headquarters, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, Silver Spring, MD
"FishWatch is NOAA Fisheries’ online sustainable seafood education program for consumers. FishWatch profiles fish and shellfish harvested under U.S. sustainable fisheries regulations and communicates facts about seafood nutrition, safety, and preparation. FishWatch is an up-to-date, neutral resource that can be used to inform consumers about U.S. wild-caught seafood, supporting regional marketing and outreach efforts for locally caught seafood and increasing consumer confidence in seafood consumption. This presentation will highlight ways in which FishWatch has been and can be used as a marketing tool for locally caught seafood, supporting the triple bottom line of sustainability and the 10 National Standards of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act."