Western National Fish Habitat Coordination Meeting
As a followup to the western National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) western partnerships meeting in Anchorage in 2010,
the Western Native Trout Initiative (WNTI) is hosting a second western partnerships meeting at the Seattle AFS meeting.
Potential agenda items include: 1)updates on NFHAP Board actions including FHP operational funding and performance measures;
2) Fish Habitat Partnerships (FHPs) involvement in Coastal Cutthroat actions following the CCT Symposium;
3) value of these all-western FHP meetings; 4) anything else suggested by the audience; and
5) an introduction of the candidate Southeast Alaska Fish Habitat Partnership.
A continental breakfast will be available for FHP attendees.
Robin Knox
Email: wnti.rknox@wispertel.net
Phone: 303-236-4402
Email: wnti.rknox@wispertel.net
Phone: 303-236-4402
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