Georgia's Use of Social Media to Communicate With Anglers and Drive License Sales

Tuesday, September 10, 2013: 11:40 AM
Fulton (Statehouse Convention Center)
Thomas Litts , Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, GA
David Allen , Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, GA
In today’s climate, State natural resource agencies have to compete to maintain recreational market share they’ve experienced, or held, in the past.  To that end, The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is using social media and email marketing to communicate with a wider, and growing, audience of sportsmen than ever before.  The use of social media tools, such as Facebook, YouTube, Wordpress and GovDelivery has enabled WRD to interface with current and prospective Georgia anglers in a new way and provide anglers with timely, and deeper, insights into ongoing efforts to improve angling in local rivers and reservoirs.  In addition, staff periodically provides helpful angling tips and tricks for targeting certain fish species at different times of the year.  This messaging, crafted with reminders to buy and renew licenses, has increased website traffic and license sales, while providing insight on the Department’s continued efforts to  increase fishing and license sales moving forward.