Social Media and AFS: Where We Are, Where We Need to Go

Tuesday, September 10, 2013: 9:00 AM
Fulton (Statehouse Convention Center)
Sarah Gilbert Fox , Fisheries Magazine, American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD
Social media did not exist a decade ago, however today is it a primary method of communication.  Over 85% of Americans now have cell phones, over 85% use the internet, and now, over 67% over internet users also use social networking sites.  Social networks are powerful, and they provide information that is personalized and participatory.  Mobile devices are pervasive, making information access instant, portable, and location-aware.  AFS has an acute need to expand its communication with its membership and interested parties via social media.  This presentation will touch upon mechanisms that could assist AFS in engaging more broadly within the social media arena.