Preparing Fisheries Professionals with Depth and Breadth (T-Shaped Professionals)- Session I (Symposium)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016: 9:40 AM-3:00 PM
New York A (Sheraton at Crown Center)
Fisheries professionals increasingly need skills related spanning content expertise (depth) to self-awareness skills (breadth) to be successful in science, management, and non-governmental related careers. The concept of T-shaped professionals first appeared in the early 1990s when business recognized managers who could combine skills from a variety of fields were more successful. T-shaped professionals generally have deep problem-solving capabilities as well as complex communication capabilities. They have deep knowledge in at least one system and one discipline, and can boundary span across many disciplines, many systems, and possess competencies in communication, teamwork, networks, critical thinking, global understanding, organizational culture, project management, etc. (Source: Jim Spohrer, IBM Labs, as cited on We define the concept of T-shaped skills and posit it is necessary at any career stage, and present an overview of resources that people can access in order to continue to develop their T-shaped approach to expertise and relationships. In this session, we present an overview of the T-shaped professional and its major concepts, and have invited speakers who will present how these dimensions have helped them in their career, their advice to others seeking ongoing professional development regardless of career stage, and overview resources available. We envision this symposium will be valuable to AFS conference participants and members, especially students, who are seeking to understand how to improve their skillsets and career approaches to be effective in all they do. We will end with a discussion on needs for AFS member development, and if online or hybrid learning can be one way to enable fisheries professionals and their partners to be T-shaped professionals for successful fisheries conservation.
Erin Jarvie and Heather Triezenberg
Heather Triezenberg
Erin Jarvie and Heather Triezenberg
9:40 AM
Overview of T-Shaped Professionals and Fisheries Conservation Heather Triezenberg, Michigan Sea Grant Extension
10:00 AM
I Did Not Become a Fisheries Biologist to Work with People Michele Baumer, Missouri Department of Conservation; Mike Bayless, Missouri Department of Conservation
10:20 AM
Building Bridges: The Science of Making Connections Betsy Riley, Michigan State University; Heather Triezenberg, Michigan State University Extension
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
Building Bridges for International Engagement So-Jung Youn, Michigan State University; William W. Taylor, Michigan State University; Ian G. Cowx, University of Hull
11:20 AM
Communication Skills for the Successful Professional Rhett Register, Michigan Sea Grant
11:40 AM
Wednesday Lunch Break
1:00 PM
The Key Visual Communication Skill Sets That Every Fisheries Scientist Should Have Evan Litwack, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service
1:20 PM
Complex Communication for Effective Outreach and Engagement Erin Jarvie, Michigan State University; Heather Triezenberg, Michigan Sea Grant Extension
1:40 PM
Administrative Skills Important for the T-Shaped Professional Kristen Fussell, Ohio State University
2:00 PM
2:20 PM
Investing in Extension Workforce Preparation, Development and Support for Fisheries Extension Professionals through Multiple Dimensions Samuel Chan, Oregon State University; David Hansen, Oregon State University; Michael Spranger, University of Florida; Michael Liffman, NOAA; Tania Siemens, Oregon State University; Stephanie Showalter Otts, National Sea Grant Law Center; Kayla-Maria Martin, Oregon State University; Noelle Moen, Oregon State University; Jennifer Lam, Oregon State University/Blue Earth Consultants
3:00 PM
Wednesday Afternoon Break
See more of: Symposium Entries